Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Christmas Babies
This Christmas just like every Christmas before, I will be spending it saving babies that share my birthday. For as long as I can remember I have always despised sharing my birthday with Jesus. I mean how can you possibly compete with that? Growing up and still today it is impossible to have a formal party and celebrate the normal way. To my family however my date of birth has always been a blessing. Christmas day the year before I was born, my Grandfather passed unexpectedly. One year later I was born, the final Christmas present from my grandfather to my mother. I never got the chance to meet him, but I choose to work on Christmas day as a means of remembering him. I will be forever grateful to the doctors, nurses and paramedics that were away from family working that day. I am also forever grateful to the doctors and nurses whom delivered me via c section on Christmas morning. For these reasons I choose to work and allow others to be off with family. As my immediate family gets smaller and smaller working on this day has taken on a whole new meaning. Spending my birthday doing the job I love with my awesome coworkers whom have been by my side for the past ten years is a blessing. On Christmas morning I choose to care for the sickest baby in the unit. I know how hard it is to lose a loved one on Christmas and I vowed to do everything possible to make sure it will not happen on my watch. Even if I have to give CPR until the clock strikes midnight on the 26th, that's what I will do. A few friends of mine have also lost relatives on Christmas day and its something you never get over.
For this reason my Grandma and I were extremely close. The only daughters, daughter born on the one year anniversary. My birth day gave grandma something else to associate Christmas with.....A Christmas miracle, grandpas final gift.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Santa wears camo
Growing up "under privileged" I do not remember ever believing in Santa. It must have been so hard on my mother to tell us at such a young age. I can recall being the only person who did not believe in my first grade class. We did not qualify for much government assistance but a few times per year we would receive food and gifts on Christmas. We received gifts from Toys for Tots a few years. The gifts were delivered Christmas morning with the tag
"girl 10yrs old" or "Boy 12yrs old". Knowing where the gifts came from was an even better feeling than thinking Santa brought them. I was so thankful for those presents, my heart still warms at the though. To know that people I didn't even know came together to give us a good Christmas. I will never forget that awesome feeling of gratitude. I know it warmed my mothers heart as well to see us open those presents on Christmas morning. As an adult I donate un unwrapped toy every year at the store drop box in hopes it will reach a deserving child just as it did me. Giving from your heart and loving gratitude are the true meanings of Christmas.
Sunday, December 7, 2014
"The Way" of St James
One week after returning from Greece with no money left to my name, my good friend handed me a book. The book was about the 40 day pilgrimage in Spain she will be taking in six months. I though she was crazy but as a good supportive friend I read the book. It took one day to complete the book and one day to be completely hocked on the idea of this amazing pilgrimage. That same friend also later lent me the movie "The Way' about the exact route we would be taking. El Camino de Santiago or The Way of Saint James in English. An 800km hike through North Western Spain starting in France. Staying at pilgrim hostels along the way at night after hiking all day. How could I possibly afford this? The real question is how could I possibly not do this. Though my travels thus far have thought me so much about myself, I still longed for more of a personal, spiritual experience. The type of spiritual awaking that only comes from a degree of suffering and plenty of time for self reflection. Originally a religious pilgrimage for Catholic's, people from every faith do this pilgrimage for many different reasons. The most popular reasons are health, spiritual and religious reasons. Its "your own Camino" meaning the experience is for you to interpret your own way. In my heart I know I am meant to do this, I can feel it. I can feel it as strong as the feeling I get caring for a sick baby right before he/she shows the signs of being sick. That "nurse feeling" that comes from years of experience in the field. But this wasn't in the plans... I was to focus on School this year, not save tirelessly for another adventure overseas. I have learned to follow my heart and let it guide me in life. My heart is leading me to The El Camino de Santiago. But how can I possibly afford this? Well with a good plan and 6 months I can make it possible. $50 per week will pay for the plane ticket all my clothes and gear can be purchased at thrift stores or possibly borrowed. This would be my cheapest trip costing $10 per day for the hostels plus food along the way. I can only take a little over 2 weeks off from work so at the last 300 miles I will meet up with my friend and her mom. They will be seasoned pros by that time, well on their way to spiritual clarity. I am hoping this will be my last trip and the lessons learned on the Camino will lead me to a fulfilling relationship with the man I will marry.
Or maybe I will just write a book about chafing on the Camino..
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Whats in a name?
Italian American born in New York, on Christmas Day, on the one year anniversary of the unexpected passing of my maternal grandfather. I have always felt my mother missed the mark when naming me. Something festive like "Holy Noel" Or Italian like "Angelina" Instead she named me Melissa. Growing up I met very few people named Melissa, none of whom became friends. In school everyone was named Jessica or Jennifer. Melissa just doesn't scream any ethnicity like "Erin" or "Liam" would. As an adult over the past few years I have met way to many people named Melissa. Every Melissa I have met is of a different ethnicity. From different places Such as: Greece, El Salvador, Uruguay, New York, New Jersey, Texas, Spanish, Caucasian, African American, Christian and Jewish. The name originally Greek means Honey Bee. I knew the name was Greek, and may explain why I felt the affinity to visit Greece so badly. Mythology says Melissa was the daughter to the King of the Greek Island of Crete and was the nymph baby nurse to Zeus. She fed him milk mixed with honey. She was apparently turned into a bee as punishment for hiding baby Zeus from his father, whom wanted him dead. Interesting because I am a baby nurse. I now embrace my name because of its diversity. I like the fact that by my first name alone you can not tell what ethnicity I am. My name is just like me, multi cultural, well traveled and full of meaning. My name didn't chose my destiny I chose my destiny.
Monday, November 17, 2014
When it comes to family, everyone has a favorite, for me its my cousin Jason. Ten years older than me, he tormented me as a child. After graduation he went on to the NAVY and I watched him live out life on his terms. The first of our family to go to Europe, and visit Las Vegas, just to name a few of the cool things he did. With this influence I wanted to be like him when I grew up. As adults the ten years between us didn't matter anymore and we became close friends. Remaining close with our busy life's became easy because the universe kept bringing us together at unsuspected places without planning. Such as running into eachother on my lunch break at the hospital my first year as a nurse and even being at the Grand Canyon on the same day last year. He was visiting phoenix and I visiting Las Vegas. After losing my brother I now know why the universe kept bringing us together, because he would one day be the only man in my life. Last week at the age of 40 he got married and I gained a new cousin. My shrinking family is becoming whole again.
My Hero
I am lucky enough to witness the will and determination of premature babies on a daily basis,they are my heroes. With every breath they struggle to take and every swallow of milk I am reminded of just how awesome the spirit of the premature baby truly is. They never give up, complain or feel bad for themselves. I mean how could they, they are babies whom have never left the hospital. Some babies can stay in the NICU for up to 5 months, struggling to do the same things that come easy to their counterparts whom were born at term. I truly realized the struggles of these babies while training for my first half marathon. My out of shape lungs and sore muscles reminded me of what a premature baby goes through every minute of every day. Just breathing on your own with under developed lungs is like running a marathon without any training for premature babies. With our help these babies train to run the marathon of life outside of the NICU, One step at a time. Every time I am doing something strenuous I think of the determination and will power of the babies I care for, and it gets me through. When I think that I can not run one more minute because of soreness or shortness of breath, I think of them and it gets me through.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Topdeck Greek Island Hopping

Tuesday, October 7, 2014
The best gift the universe has given me
I have long said, the best gift the universe could have possibly given me was my nursing degree. A divine force took my hand and led me through. A poor girl with a learning disability and no dad. None of my high school friends went on to graduate collage and have careers, most childhood friends overdosed on drugs and died shortly after high school. I always dreamed of being a nurse so it was a no brainer what I would do with my life. I knew one thing for certain.... I did not want to live my life paycheck to paycheck at a job I hated. High School was an everyday struggle academically, and almost didn't graduate. Resulting in having to take night and weekend classes to graduate on time with my friends. My career has opened up so many doors for me both professionally and personally. I am living a life I could have never imagined fifteen years ago.
Friday, September 26, 2014
Foxys Angels
I am lucky enough to have genuine angels in my life on a daily basis. These angels are my coworkers. The women I work alongside 13 hrs a day, for the past 8 years, have come to mean the world to me. These women whom I otherwise would have nothing other than where we work in common, have become trusted members of my family. Getting me through many of life's ups and downs. These women are my mothers age and have children my age. But unlike my birth mother they are from all over the world and have different experiences to bring to the table. Winning them over at first wasn't easy, but somehow I did. I credit them for my love of being a NICU nurse as well as teaching me everything I know. These women were hand picked by god to bring love and joy to my life. Without them the stress of the career would have gotten to me long ago, and I don't know where I would be today. They have been known to bring me toilet paper, deodorant and even perfect fitting name brand hand me down party dresses. They have done all of this selflessly for nothing in return other than a thank you and a smile. Getting to know and love these women of other cultures and their family's has put the wanderlust travel bug in me. There is still so much good in this world to see, if you just open your eyes. They have gotten me to open my eyes and see the world differently. The world through the eyes of love, appreciation, dreams and hard work. Words and actions could never express the gratitude I feel for them and everything they do and continue to do for me. I am truly blessed to have them in my life.... even if they do drive me crazy sometimes!
Monday, September 8, 2014
Coming to terms
There comes a time when you need to come to terms with what is right in front of your face. As a nurse I come to conclusions by looking at all the data, the patient, but motley from my gut feeling. My gut has never steered me wrong. All I ever wanted was a semi normal family I could bring a guy home to on holidays. Now I have practically no immediate family left. Morning the loss of someone I though I knew, whom is still alive is a million times harder than morning the dead. Morning in silence as not to disrespect those involved. Allowing others to deal in their own ways without judgment. Every single man in my life has let me down. A father I have never known, a brother in prison. How will I ever move on from this? Healing takes time and I have nothing but time.....
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Oops i did it again.............
I got to wound up in life and did something stupid costing me lots of money and most importantly my job. With the catastrophic events these last few months that has gone on with my family,
I forgot two important things. To renew my apartment lease and a required nursing certification for work, which is only offered once per month. My rent switched to a month to month status without warning costing me a huge amount for the month as well as expiration of that certification leaving me out of work for twenty days without pay. Until the required class is offered. These extra costs could NOT have come at a worse time. After a severely sick dog, one of many emergencies that drained my bank account and no credit cards. My dream trip to the Greek Islands, ten years in the making only 34 days away. I cannot even fathom the idea I canceling this dream trip after working 21 overtime shifts to pay for it. Every time something bad happens, I would like to think its a blessing in some way, everything will work out and, be better after. All the things that have happened these last few months I can NOT imagine something good ever coming from it. Maybe this break from work will give me the opportunity to grieve and come to terms with things. Putting forth so much love and passion for my career with little to no identity outside of work hasn't been a good thing either. I need to find more purpose outside of work, to better thrive as a person. These next 20 days will possibly be the hardest thing I have ever done to date. Running a marathon is easy next to 20 days without pay and no money in the bank.
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Casting Stones
Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.
My life is lived drama and secret free.
I have devoted my entire life to saving children, now more than ever that remains true. Hurting a child in any way, shape of form is not okay.
Our own sins no matter how seemingly insignificant, disqualifies us a judges of other peoples sins. Actions of others has no reflection on me, my name, my career or my brand. No amount of guilt can change the past, and no amount of anxiety cant change the future. We are forever changed, the past cannot be edited or erased. For the healing process to take place we need not be casting stones and focusing time and energy on revenge. Healing and grieving takes time.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Top 10 places in Florida to Visit
1. Orlando.
2. Key West.
3. South Beach.
4. Fort Lauderdale.
5. Islamorada.
6. Tampa.
7. Pensacola.
8. Destin.
9. Fort Myers.
Surviving a holiday in South Beach
Whenever friends come to visit the first thing they want to do is go to South Beach, especially my Aussie Mates. I live 30 miles from South Beach(SOBE)but never have the desire to go, Its an expensive tourist trap. However I have been to SOBE at least ten times entreating friends and have a few suggestions. My first suggestion would be to break up your holiday as much as possible to see other parts of Florida such as Fort Lauderdale, Key West and Orlando. Two to four days in each city is all you need to hit all of the high points. My advice is as follows:
1. Stay at a hostel if you are young and hip enough. Such as the Deco Walk Hostel or the Miami Beach International Hostel. They offer the lowest price for the best location. They also provide meals and a community kitchen. They usually have drink specials as well as a very young hip crowd. For most hostels you must show proof of being a non Florida resident.
2. During the week you can get 50% off meals or bar tabs at most restaurants when its not bust and they will do pretty much anything to get you in.
3. If you are looking to go out clubbing to one of the many popular clubs such as Liv and Mansion contact a local club promoter to get on the guest list for free.
4. I always bring my own booze and a packed lunch to the beach to save money. Publix subs are your best bet.
5.Parking can be very expensive running you upwards of $40 per day. Slightly cheaper are most hotels for around $30. I recommend using the 17th street garage or the parking lot across the street for about $1.30per hr. The garage is across the street from the beach and the lot is on the beach. There is also a small concession stand and bathrooms here.
6. Be careful what drinks you order, many of times I have wound up with an oversized $30 drink that could have been shared. The best SOBE drink is a huge margarita with two beers upside down in it for $50.00 each. I have actually gotten this drink on a few occasions and shared it with three to four people for fun.
7.The official drink of SOBE is a mojito cant go wrong.
8. The best idea for having an awesome, memorable time in SOBE is pool crashing. Like Las Vegas, SOBE is known for its awesome hotel pools and pool parties. No need to break the bank staying at the hotel if you know a few tricks the locals use. You can use the famous Fontainebleau pool simply by purchasing a "spa pass". This pass gets you access to the pools, lockers, changing areas and sauna. Other hotels that offer day passes for about $20 include the Delano, Raleigh,
Mondrian, Lowes, Shore Club and Four Seasons. If the hotels pool passes are no longer available or blocked out simply walk in. The best way to sneak into the pool is through the lobby. Follow closely behind someone like you own the place. Once you get to the pool bar order a drink. As a general rule If you are spending money you wont be thrown out especially if you are tipping well. Another option is to befriend a guest by buying them a drink.
9. The best places to hang out and people watch with a drink are the Clevelander and Mangos.
10. On the beach in the sand are food trucks for a cheaper food option.
12. The official food is the Cubin sandwich, anytime you see it on the menu order it.
13. Everything you have heard is true, the unofficial language of SOBE is Spanish.
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
What if....... I dated a guy with kids??
Not having kids but wanting them someday has always been a deal breaker for me when considering a guy "dating material". As I get older I am realizing I may one day find myself dating someone with kids. Being raised by a single mother whom never remarried and never having a relationship with my father, I have high expectations of what it means to be a dad. Any guy who brags about his kids all over Facebook or in online dating profiles but doesn't pay child support and only sees his kids every other weekend is no father to me. If I ever dated a guy who complained about having to pay $200 per month in child support I would punch him in the face! Do guys really think it only costs $200.00 per month to raise a kid? The only way I would EVER date a guy with kids would be if he had 50% or more responsibility physically and financially for his kids and has a drama free respectful relationship with the baby momma. In which case I could picture myself being in a "modern family" and living down the block and combining our families. If such a guy does exist I would fall for him hard. The sad reality is for most guys the ex and kids are out of sight and out of mind as they move on to the next thing effortlessly.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
What if...The airline lost my luggage
Being the frequent flyer and planer I am, I needed a plan for if my luggage got lost in route to my holiday. On my last holiday a freshly engaged couple had lost luggage until the last day of the tour. I never knew because they didn't let it ruin the holiday. They had travel insurance and therefore had cash to buy new clothes. Even with the travel insurance its a huge inconvenience to be taking taxis to the mall instead of enjoying the tour you paid for. I now will always purchase travel insurance but I also have a plan. If my luggage is ever lost I will NOT let it ruin my trip. I will simply go to the nearest touristy shop and purchase all the tacky souvenir clothes I can find. Just like Borat in the movie Dictator. It would make for some hilarious pictures at the least. With any leftover money I will buy a round at the nearest bar for everyone on the tour as an icebreaker. Plus I will be in need of borrowing toothpaste and other necessities from my new friends .
Ex Boyfriends on Facebook
I have remained friendly acquaintances with 99% of my ex boyfriends. Mind you it didn't happen over night, but time heals all wounds and everything happens for a reason. Forgive and forget. This is especially easy considering I really don't date and the guys I do date are genuinely good people. When I run into them at a function or on Facebook with the skinny little wife, kids, a house and working the 9-5 grind, I think so myself.....Thank got that isn't me. Not one of those things describe me. I am a voluptuous free spirit, world traveler whom works 3 days per week at a career I love. I don't remember the last time I sat down for dinner at home or woke up early on my day off. If I were living that life, the "American Dream" without first living this life I would be unhappy and feel a void in my heart where travel and play should be. I would be self medicating with materialistic things I really cant afford like most Americans while the credit cards and my waste line pile up. I know because that's how my life was before travel and career. Or at least that's where my life was headed. A girl can have everything, just not all at once. That life will come but for know its work ,travel, play. Any void that may be in my life due to lack of children or someone to nurture my job cures. My only responsibility is to myself and my furry babies. There will always be a new place to travel, a new culture to explore, and family to laugh and cry with. I have chosen this life, even if it took me years to realize it, I will not settle.
Thursday, July 31, 2014
10 most influential books to change your life
As a proclaimed self help book addict, I have read many self help books all of which have helped mold the happy, well rounded person you see today. Out of the hundreds I have bought and read a few have stood out, and been passed to coworkers, family and friends. Bottom line if you want to change your life read these books. I was not only unhappy but the only one to blame was myself. Through positive thinking, and using the law of attraction I could live the life I dreamed of.
1. You can heal your life.
2. The Power.
3. The Untethered Soul.
4. Soul Mate.
5. Lead with your heart.
6. Eat Pray, Love.
7. The happiness project
8. Gratitude a way of life.
9. Twenty something, Twenty everything.
10. The Secret.
Monday, July 28, 2014
Contiki Reunion
Almost better than the holiday its self is the "Contiki Reunion". That time when the stars align just right and you are lucky enough to meet up with someone from one of your previous tours. All the emotions of that epic holiday come pouring back the second you see each other. That special bond we all share, that only a fellow traveler could understand. Its like seeing your favorite childhood cousin after years apart. At the end of each tour everyone shares contact information and before your plane can land on the ground, you have fifty new friend requests. Thanks to social media keeping in contact is easy, even with time differences. My first Contiki Reunion was this Sunday, when I met up with two sisters from up north in South Beach for the day. They are 30 something professionals as well. We had an awesome time talking about boys, careers and traveling over authentic Miami mojitos and salsa music. Probably the two most genuine, nice girls I have ever met. My next Contiki Reunion will be in New York City for New Years where I am meeting up with a girl from my first tour, whom lives in Brisbane, Australia. We just happen to be doing a Contiki tour while there as well, making it tour number four for me. I am also planning on taking a trip soon to Washington DC to see a few fellow travelers, as well as a trip to Australia of course.
Monday, July 21, 2014
#14 of 35......Donating my hair to charity
I have completed the first item from my 35 things to do before turning 35 list.
I just donated 10 inches of my hair to Children With Hair Loss. What an awesome feeling to know a wig will be made for a child from my hair. It took only a year to grow, but that year took forever. After I made the decision to grow and donate it, I stopped dying and cutting it. Not even a trim. Yes I probably should have gotten it trimmed but every trim meant another inch wouldn't be donated or worse another inch I cant keep towards my new hair cut. The hair dresser put several small orthodontic looking rubber bands down my pony tail and just cut it across. I didn't know weather to smile happily or have an anxiety attack. Cutting off that pony tail was really hard. Once it was off and I had it in my hand it felt great. I than had to place the pony tail in a plastic bag and send it off to the organization via a manila envelope. Nothing was free, had to pay for the haircut, and everything to send it. Guess in a few weeks I will get a certificate for my donation. If I don't get anything in return, that is okay too. It was an awesome feeling and I am sure to do it again in a few years.
What if..... I died.
With all the news reports about shot down planes, turmoil overseas and, as I am about to book my first mission trip to Belize. I got to thinking, what if I died? What do I want people to know about me and my wishes. First of all if I die doing something I love such as traveling or taking care of people as a nurse don't be sad. If I ever have to go I would want to go while doing something I love. If I am overseas do not fly my body back to the USA, just let it be. My belief is that our body is simply the shell of our living soul and has no significance after death other than organ donation. If at all possible I want everything donated to help others, down to my eyelashes. I do not wish to have any kind of formal funeral or service. I want an "Irish Wake". Take all the money from my bank account and throw a party with an open bar. Celebrate the awesomeness that is life. If I die tomorrow I have no regrets and I have done and accomplished everything I wished to and than some. Do not spend money burying me, just have me cremated and charge it on my debit card. Most important get trashed at my party and have an awesome time!
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
How weeks of caring for my sick dog made me a more compassionate nurse
This last month of caring for my sick dog has really shown me how the parents of the babies whom I care for must really go through. As the nurse the emotional attachment to my patients is that of what I though was of a pseudo mom. Years without a lunch break because my patients deserve all of me for those 13 hrs. However after these last few weeks I have felt the real emotional roller-coaster those parents must truly feel. The feeling of helplessness and having to trust someone else in caring for her and excepting help from unlikely sources. Not to mention the sleepless nights of waking up to give her meds and don't forget all the cooking I had to do to get her to eat. Yes cooking for a dog when I don't even cook for myself. This experience has really brought me closer to the parents and given me more compassion. It must be so hard to trust and allow someone else to care for your baby. As well as see someone you love unconditionally be sick and in pain. I have always prided myself in being a true advocate to my patients but now I can honestly say I am also an advocate to the parents as well. I may never know the feeling of having a sick baby or even a healthy baby for that matter. But with every experience I learn to be a better person and a better nurse. I will never forget that feeling of helplessness and the unlikely sources of help that came my way.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
How my biggest failure became my best blessing
Two years ago I was about to turn 30 and hated everything about my life. I was sick of the pity party I was throwing myself, and decided to take a huge risk in search of happiness. I quit the vested full time job I held for 7 years and set off to the unknown world of travel nursing. The nurse recruiter told me everything I wanted to hear. Delusions of being a nurse in Hawaii, Boston and Manhattan danced through my head as well as the 100K per year. I would be in a different state every 13 weeks, perfect for someone whom has always wanted to travel. As long as I can remember I have wanted to travel but never had the means. Growing up poor I rode in a plane and left the state of Florida for the first time at the age of 22 to visit my Grandma. With still so much to see of the USA, the travel nurse position seemed ideal. Little did I know the loneliness and the lack of job security would get to me almost immediately. It was impossible to know where I would be next. I didn't wind up in Hawaii I would up in south Alabama. The job wasn't the same either. I wasn't able to really care for my patients as I wanted to. it was a lose, lose situation. When the census dropped in the hospital I was working and my contract was canceled for a bogus reason, I didn't argue and ran for home. While between jobs I used my pension payout to go to Europe for the first time. Immediately I felt right at home and knew international travel is what I longed for.
Upon coming back from Europe I felt so complete and at peace. I than called my old job and asked to come back. They welcomed me with open arms, never once saying I told you so. I had my old job back which game me stability and a way to pay the bills but I needed a way to travel. So I got a second job to save for traveling. I knew working two jobs would be stressful but the reward of being able to travel would all be worth it. Its been over a year now working two jobs and I love it. Both hospitals have unique things I like about them but most of all I have flexibility and the finances to travel. I am a trusted independent nurse at both facilities and I am able to practice nursing and care for my patients as they deserve. The experience of travel nursing taught me so much about myself. Such as money isn't important and what is important is family, friends and the babies I care for. My love of NICU nursing has grown. I am more passionate and an all round better nurse. I appreciate my family and friends more. The love of my career has grown so much that, I am going back to school for a masters degree on a full ride thanks to the hospital I work for. My life would not be where it is today if I didn't take a drastic risk and fail. With risk comes failure but when doors close windows open.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
10 Secrets to traveling alone in your 20's & 30's
The secret to traveling alone is....there is no secret. Just be smart.
Foxy's secrets to smart travel are as follows.
1. I always travel with travel company's like Contiki and Topdeck for young adults under 39 therefore you will be surrounded with like minded people. They give you a roommate of the same sex unless you pay extra for a private room. The tour guide does pretty much everything for you making the experience smooth and stress free.
2. The only time I am alone is right before meeting up with the tour after landing. I've found a few companies like that have car services all over. You can pre arrange a ride to make sure you get to your hotel safe. You can arrange either a private car or shuttle service.
You are also alone for any plane transfers, so I try and have as few as possible and chose where wisely. On my next trip I will only have to change planes at JFK.
3. Purchase travel insurance. Best money you will ever spend.
4. Make copies of all travel documents and keep originals in a pencil zipper case for safe and convenient keeping in your carry on.
5. I don't do the secret travel wallet thing but I do always wear a small cross body purse close to my body. Lets be honest fashion is still important.
6. Its a smart idea to have emergency money in a safe place and a credit card. I don't believe in credit cards so I have two different visa bank cards from two separate accounts and cash on me in separate areas.
7. I never separate from the group. A few ties I have really wanted to do something different but wound up doing whatever the group was doing. A small sacrifice in my opinion.
8. I always keep the address of the hotel on a credit card sized peace of paper in my purse. Be extra mindful to take it with you when changing purses. I got lost and was brought to the wrong hotel because I had left the address of the hotel in my day purse, and I was dressed up for a show carrying a small clutch.
9. I actually prefer not to have a phone while traveling out of the country, however I do always keep my phone with me in case of emergencies and pay to have a few international minutes and text messages. My phone is used only in an emergency or to let my family know I am safe with a quick text.
10. I get small folding maps from the local book store to map the hotels and points of interest just incase.
Monday, July 7, 2014
The best times of year to call Fort Lauderdale Fl home
Whenever I am traveling or working there is always two times per year I get homesick for tradition. Growing up on the ocean never seeing snow, surrounded by 24-7 sunshine makes for some interesting traditions. The two festivities I just cant miss are the Christmas boat parade and the 4th of July fireworks on the beach. Two years ago while living in corporate housing in south Alabama, I drove 11 hours one way just to see the Christmas boat Show. The boats parade up and down the intercostal waterway in front of my apartment, decked out in Christmas lights. Something only a south Floridian can truly appreciate. Fort Lauderdale, Fl is known as the Venice of America due to all of its intercostal waterways. Houses on the intercostal decorate their backyards along the water as well. Pretty much the only Christmas festivity we have. The other time of year is the 4th of July fireworks on the beach. Every town along the water has their own professional show on the beach. No matter where you sit you have an awesome view of at least 2 different shows. Just north, Deerfield Beach has the best show and atmosphere. However the public beach is small and the roads are closed off early making for a very crowded long evening. The restaurants and night life are better in fort Lauderdale so that is where I decided to spend this years festivities. A few times we have gotten hotel rooms on the beach making for an awesome weekend. however hotels are expensive and usually require a three night minimum. Even locals get hotel rooms regularly this time of year. When a hotel is not in your budget the next best thing is the water taxi. This year
they had a special for $5.00 they would give you a ride to the beach from downtown by way of boat down the intercostal. It took about a half hour to do a 10 minute drive but it was well worth it. awesome scenery and awesome atmosphere. The fireworks did not disappoint and the bars were hopping. A do over for next year for sure.
Sunday, July 6, 2014
20 Things every girl says her first season of Adult Kickball
1. Is this really a sport?.
2. That guy is hot....
3. Do I have to wear this shirt?
4. Jell-O shots!!!!
5. You want me to bunt?
6. Why cant our team color be pink?
7. They take this game way to seriously.
8.Flip cup!!!
9. Kickball people are odd.
10.That guy dated how many girls in the league!?
11. I hope the ball doesn't come to me.
12. I have to ref?
13. safety base?
14. Sponsor bar!!!
15. work is going to suck in the morning.
17. No more drinking
18. Shots, shots shots!!!!
19. I love these crazy people
20. When does next season start??
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Waka Cruise to the Bahamas 2013
A few days after returning from Italy I was off to my next adventure. A WAKA kickball cruise to the Bahamas. When you live in south Florida the Bahamas are in your backyard, you can take a day trip pretty much any time. My high school reunion was actually a one day booze cruise to the Bahamas. This time instead of leaving from Fort Lauderdale or Miami the boat left from Port Canaveral, in Orlando. Despite the $267.00 speeding ticket I got driving it was a pretty smooth drive. The cruise itself was a 4 day 3 night cruise organized by the World Adult Kickball Association (WAKA).
Over 300 crazy kickballers took to the seas in search of a sloppy good time. Kickball itself is known for its wild parties. They had several theme nights including "decades" where people dressed in 60's, 70's 80's & 90's swag. They had a pirate theme night and best of all a neon pub crawl in Nassau. This consisted of everyone dressed in neon gear crawling from bar to bar. The best memory was at one of the last bars, Fat Tuesdays where we jumped off the wall into the crystal clear blue water below. The day we spent on the cruise lines private island CoCo Kay was another awesome experience I will never forget. We spent the day playing kickball on the pristine beach,
jumping on water trampolines in the ocean and sliding down 40foot water slides. Another awesome memory was when my roommate and friend stole a whole watermelon carved into a bunny from the buffet. We later found out other people in our group were doing the same thing and we had fruit animal family. I drew the line when she wanted to bring it home on the three hour drive with us. Just the relaxing vacation I needed from my Italy trip. Like my travels overseas I met so many awesome people whom I still talk to today. The cruise attracted players all the way from California.
I would recommend this cruise to anyone whom likes to have a good time even if you are not a player. The only con was the amount of money I spent on alcohol during the trip and the hold the cruise line placed on my debit card. I highly recommend sneaking bottles of booze in your luggage. the nerd I am I was afraid to get caught and paid full price. I didn't hear of anyone getting
booze taken away. They have a cup you can buy and have unlimited soda refills for $8.00 per day. not a bad deal at all.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
About me... The Foxy Fontana
I am a Registered Nurse specializing in Neonatal Intensive Care(NICU). My career is not just a job its my number one passion and life's work. After becoming a nurse 9 years ago at the age of 22, I struggled with the intense stress associated with such a career. For years I struggled for that perfect work, play balance. After a failed attempt at being a travel nurse I found that true balance was in international travel. After my first Contiki tour I was hocked. I live in Miami, Florida USA with my 2 dogs whom have traveled the United States with me. I also play competitive sports and rehabilitate abused and neglected dogs for adoption. My dream is to be in a position someday soon to do mission work as a nurse overseas. Bare with me as I am dyslectic and this writing stuff doesn't come easy.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
20 things every American girl thinks on a Contiki/Topdeck tour
1.Wonder who my roommate will be, hope she's cool.
2. Man this is a long flight.
3. Better yet hope they make a mistake and my roommate is a hot guy.
3. Hope my tour mates like me.
4. Okay these guys seem cool, but what's with all these Australians?
5. This tour guide is really cool.
6. shots, shot, shots!!
7. Play never have I ever in the hotel room, with my new friends?...Sure.
8. Man these Australians are hot.
9. Early call in the morning no drinking.
10. Shots, Shots, Shots!!!!!
11. Am I hung over or car sick from the coach?
12. Why is the tour guide buying us more shots?
13. OMG this group is crazy like me.
14. Man Australians can drink.
15. Wonder where I can score some pot.
16. How does the guide have so much damn energy?
18. I am so tired, Has anyone slept?
19. Is it inappropriate to puke at this world heritage
20. I love you guys lets be friends forever.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Single at 31
Every year that passes and I am still single, I learn exactly why. Every year I learn more and more about myself and my true purpose in this world. Every year I am happier, more complete. I truly believe the universe has kept me single for this reason. I am so incredibly grateful for these years to get to know my true authentic self. I will never be done growing and evolving. When I am where I need to be the right man, whom is also in the right time in his life will come along. Than together we will continue to grow. Until than all I can do is enjoy all life has to offer and learn life's lessons as they come up. Thank you universe for knowing what's truly best for me and teaching me all I have learned.
Love, without it the universe would cease to exist. In the NICU I see babies who are loved do so much better than those whose parents are absent. In my blog entry about religion and spirituality I forgot to mention the power of love. Maybe its love that cures disease and makes miracles possible. When you believe in god you love god. Is it true that all you need is love? The common dominator of all of mankind. When I was told that death was emanate for my 14 year old dog, all I could do for her is love her. Simply love her unconditionally. So many emotions but mostly just love. I know dogs don't go to heaven and cant get feeding tubes. praying for her recovery and her soul was not an option, just love. Love is all I have to offer in this would to her and everyone I come in contact with. And love is all I could ever want in return.
Sunday, June 15, 2014
35 Things to do before turning the Big 35!
I decided I needed a timeline for my epic "bucket list". so here it is.... 35 things to do before I turn 35. As I write this I am 31.5 years old giving me 3.5 years to complete. As I cross items off the list I will write about them one by one of course. Lets get started!
1. Visit Greece.
2. Get certified in scuba diving.
3. Start Grad school for Neonatal ARNP.
4. Write and publish a children's book.
5.Visit Washington DC monuments.
6. Bake a cake from scratch using fondant.
7. Fall in love.
8. Learn to read music.
9. Ice skate in Rockefeller center at Christmas time.
10. Meet my 1/2 sister.
11. Do nursing mission work overseas.
12. Catch a fish in the ocean.
13. Meet someone famous.
14. Donate my hair to charity for kids with hair loss.
15. Go to a country music concert.
16. Ring in the new year in Times Square, NY.
17. Train to be a pediatric nurse.
18. Learn how to play Texas Holdem & Play in a table game at a casino in Vegas.
19. Get my dogs certified as therapy dogs.
20. Ride in a helicopter.
21. Learn to surf.
22. Scuba dive The Great Barrier Reef.
23. Make a message in a bottle and throw it in the ocean.
24. Ride a horse.
25. Take a Great American road trip with my dogs.
26. Compete and finish the Ironman 70.3.
27. Swim with dolphins.
28. Become a foster parent.
29. Learn to paddleboard.
30. Visit a nude beach.
31. Bottle feed a wild animal.
32. Get my first tattoo.
33. Take cooking classes.
34. Learn to sew and sew a quilt with my old race shirts.
35. Walk the El Camino De Santiago Pilgrimage in Spain
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
The best time of year to travel
Without a doubt the best time of year to travel is October. The weather is beautiful everywhere, college kids are in school, air and hotels are cheaper and places are less clouded. Leave summer travel to those with kids and college students. Popular travel destinations are hot, crowded and expensive summer time and winter time may be to cold. All tourist attritions are still open in October but may not be in winter. Every year around January I put in my vacation request at work for October and start saving, giving me 10 months to save. A light jacket & light scarf at night is all you need. My tour of Italy was last October and my Greek island hopping tour is this October. Weather in the 70's in Italy and, expecting slightly warmer weather in Greece. After mid October most tours of the Greek Island stop and attractions are closed.
My favorite time of year to travel
My favorite time of year to travel is Christmas time. Living in south Florida where it is never cold, it puts you in the Christmas spirit to be somewhere cold. I love white Christmas lights and cold weather fashion. As a kid my Mom and I would drive around the neighborhood looking at Christmas lights for hours. As an adult I have been lucky enough to see some really beautiful places at Christmas time. A few years ago my mother and I went to new York city the weekend before Christmas to see the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree. It was a beautiful site to see. We also visited Macys on 34th st, Tiffany's, 911 memorial, status of liberty. The temperature was in the low 30's making it a perfect "cold weather" experience for two Floridians. The only down side was that it was extremely busy everywhere we went. Apparently other people had the same idea. I visited Paris in January hoping to catch the Christmas decorations but didn't see any. Paris itself is beautifully light up with white lights from the Eiffel Tower and street lamps year round. In January it was especially beautiful because it had snowed a few days before, so there was still some un melted snow on the ground and the weather was still cold. The ambiance was of old 1950's Paris with the gray sky and melting snow. This was the first time I have ever seen snow. The prettiest and coldest place I visited for Christmas might surprise you. It was New Orleans, LA
The white Christmas lights on the balcony's was breathtaking. It was freezing, temps in the 20's with wind from the water making it feel so much colder. Hotels are cheap in New Orleans. The one I stayed in was decorated for Christmas and had Carolers singing. Don't forget hot coffee and beignets at Café Du Monde to warm you up. New Orleans in the winter is also the scariest place I have ever visited. Homeless everywhere trying to corner you. The only time on American soil I have been afraid for my life. I would only recommend going in a large group or just wait for it to warm up. Not sure where my search for the prettiest Christmas lights will take me next. You will know
when I know. Would love to see Rhode Island and Ma, but that may be to cold for this Floridian.
Friday, June 6, 2014
Whole Foods Juice Cleanse
A few weeks ago I did something I have never done before. I did a "fad" juice cleanse. I have never been one to cave to peer pressure and do fad diets but this time I figured what the hell. Cant get any easier than this particular one. You simply drink 6 of these bottled juices from Whole Foods and you detox your body from chemicals. or in my case processed foods and 6-10 espresso shots per day. The diet is great if you like juice and like being poor. the juices were about $9.00 each times 6 per day. For at least 3 days. You have to use organic juice otherwise you are drinking large quantities of pesticides with nothing else in your body. The original plan was to follow the cleanse for 3 days. just long enough to detox and cleanse but not enough to burn muscle. The first day wasn't so bad. I would choke down the juiced slowly, taking my whole lunch break to finish a bottle. Not because they are so good that I wanted to savor the taste. The flavors were all pretty disgusting. Ingredients like cucumber, kale and way to much ginger.
I was surprisingly not hungry and had lots of energy, didn't cheat at all the first day. I was feeling great. By day number two I was telling everyone over and over again about my cleanse. By the end of day two I would find myself watching people eat like a total weirdo, mouth watering and all. The night of day two I caved and went to a drive through for a chicken sandwich. It tasted so damn good and was totally worth it. By this time I ran out of juice and money anyway. Therefor the cleanse only lasted two full days. I lost eight pounds in those two days than proceeded to gain it all back within 2 weeks. The cleanse did the job and got me off caffeine and down to only one cup
of coffee in the morning and one espresso shot at that 4:00pm wall. This cleanse tough me that I can do anything I put my mind to even a diet.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
A letter
The darkness and rain outside represents my tears, because this time I cant cry. I wont cry. I need to be strong and step up for the family. Something you know well. What it must be like to live in constant uncertainty and fear. Society says you brought it on yourself, statistics say its because we never had a father.
Mom did her best, her mind not demon free. Our childhood was tough but out adult lives has been tougher. So many things we have no control over. I cant cry, I cant cry. I have learned to let go of things that I have no control over, to save my own sanity. You the only man whom has ever loved me, the only constant in my life. As kids you dedicated your life to protecting me. As adults you are the one who needs the protecting, and I am useless. The only thing I have control over is my own life. I hope that one day my life's work, good deeds and standing in society will someday help you. In some way. Now I am crying like a baby. Please don't tell mom, I have to be strong.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Key West, the best place to visit
Key West is simply the best place you could visit, bottom line. All the perks of island living without having to step on a boat or pack your passport. However if you do have a passport, bring it to City Hall and they will stamp it with the Conch Republic Stamp. Just a four hour drive south from my home in South Florida, its the southernmost point in the continental United States. Sun, ocean waves, cold beer and a laid back evolved island atmosphere make for a great time. Last year I celebrated my "Dirty 30" and rang in the New Year here along with Key West's famous drag queen Sushi. Who dropped from a giant shoe at midnight. Key West is known for its Fantasy Fest celebration Halloween weekend. However the best time to visit is The Conch Republic Independence Celebration weekend around mind April. This is the best time to feel the true spirit of Key West and its citizens. Twice by accident, years apart I came on this weekend and now its my favorite time to visit. Key West got the name Conch Republic after if broke from the United States April 23rd 1982 in protest of illegal search of cars on the major artery in and out of the island. The Documentary Cocaine Cowboys about the Miami drug trade takes place around the same time(fun fact).
Foxy's Favorites in Key West.
Best Food: Hogfish, a seafood dive restaurant off the beaten path.
Best View: Louis Backyard, a restaurant near the southern most point. A bit pricey but good food and a great view.
Best Hotel: Southernmost Hotel Connection. includes several hotels on a manmade private beach, cool pools, hopping pool bars and a beachfront café. They are pricy so I stay at the cheaper ones across the street that gives you access to the pools and beach. I have also stayed at one of their bed and breakfast hotels on the property.
Best Breakfast/Brunch: Southernmost Café.
Best Dessert: Better Than Sex Dessert Restaurant.
Best Bar: Garden Of Eden. This is a rooftop clothing optional bar above Bull Bar. Yes I said clothing optional. They do body painting here, a Key West staple.
Best activity: Fury Sunset booze cruise.
Key West is also known for the amazing sunset. Best places to see the sunset are on a Booze cruise or wine tasting sunset sail. On land the best places are Mallory Square and top of the highest hotel La Concha.
Viva Las Vegas! Foxy's Favoriates
One of my most favorite places in the world is Las Vegas. I like to think of it as Disney World for grown ups.
Sin City has something for everyone, even a non gambling Vegas history nerd like me. On my first trip a few years ago I stayed in an apartment off the strip for 8 days, than on subsequent trips I stayed in hotels on the strip and shortened the trip to about 4 days. Pictures do this city no justice. One of the must do things in Vegas is simply walk around in every hotel on the strip. Each hotel has spent millions of dollars to out do one another over and over again. Every hotel has a magnificent theme such as Paris, Venice and New York. Everything you have heard about the buffets and food in general is true. All hotels are linked together making walking around easy especially during the hot Nevada summer. Vegas is very safe, you wont even see a peace of garbage on the sidewalk or chipped paint on the side of a building. The shows alone could keep a non gambler busy for days.
Foxy's Favorites t
Best dinner Buffett: The Auria Hotel, Crab legs are scored by what seems like a laser which enables you to eat more faster and wine is included.
Best Brunch: Bellagio buffet
Best Cheap breakfast: The Orleans buffet
Best Lunch: "The Bobbie" from Capriotti's Sandwich Shop. The Bobby is homemade pulled turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing and mayo all on a sub. I normally would never recommend a franchise restaurant but that Thanksgiving sub is truly amazing, plus they have about 20 locations around Vegas.
Best late night hang out: The Fireside Longue in the Peppermill. You can sit in the booth Sharon Stone sat in or sip the "girly" drink Anthony Bourdain ordered at the bar.
Best Bar: Minus 5 Ice bar located in Mandalay Bay and The Monte Carlo. This bar is made all of ice, and the glasses are even solid blocks of ice. They give you a parka and boots to put on while in the bar. This bar is more of a novelty but fun none the less. Drinks are expensive and its cold!
Best Show: "O" tickets are expensive but well worth the money.
Best Budget friendly Show: Zumanity. This show really represents the spirit of Las Vegas.
Night Life:
On my first trip I googled "vegas club promoters" and found one that got me into any club I wanted for free.
I am not into the club scene but really wanted to go to the ionic Playboy Club. The promoter got me and some friends on the guest list to 3 clubs over 2 days.
Melissa's Must Do's:
Visit the Grand Canyon. I rented a car and drove the 4 hrs one way and back.
See the Bellagio Fountains at night.
Take touristy pics at the Las Vegas sign. Located near the airport its a park type area with parking spaces.
See the view of the strip from the top of the Stratosphere. Also the location of the best adrenalin seeking rides.
Visit Fremont Street, location of the old Las Vegas strip. Redone to attract tourists but still has a lot of old Vegas feel.
Have authentic gelato at the Venetian Hotel.
Ride the New York Cab rollercoaster at New York,New York hotel.
Visit the Sign Bone Yard: This is where signs from the old Vegas are laid to rest.
Recommended reading for the flight
When the Mob ran Vegas by Steve Fischer. Awesome book about 50's and 60's vegas
Monday, May 19, 2014
Date a boy who travels.....
A few months ago I came across a Huff Post story titled "Date a boy who travels". I liked it so much it brought tears to my eyes. I have read the article about a dozen times now, every time it renews the feeling in my heart that my MR right is out there. This time I went on to read the comments made in response to the article. I should have not done that. Every comment was about how every boy who travels is a trust fund hippie loser. Obviously written by jealous ignorant people. Comment after comment about how only rich people could possibly travel. That has not been my experience at all, nor am I rich. Everyone I have met has been a hardworking middle class person with a dream made reality due to hard work. Everyone I have met is just like myself. We collect memories and experiences not things. How else could you live out of a bag for weeks to months at a time. I live in a one bedroom apartment, drive an old Hyundai that is paid off and work 2 jobs as a nurse. My passion for traveling the world surpasses my want for the newest gadget. I don't have cable and don't even own a computer. All my blogging is done from a 5yr old netbook.(fun fact)
When you have a passion burning in your heart you find a way to make it work. Someone who dreams every night about family and kids will find a way to make that work. We just dream of traveling instead of those typical things society says we should want. Everyone in this country has access to education and makes life decisions based on what they want and deem obtainable. Travel like collage is not an immediate gratification it takes hard work and sacrifice to save the money. I save all year long for that one trip per year. A girl can have everything just not all at once.
Religion & Spirituality: Foxys views
I often get an odd look and rude comment when people whom though they know me learn I am both religious and spiritual. Yes people do apparently still judge you based on these topics still till this day.These comments hurt me to the core. How could I not believe in a higher power when I see miracles everyday for a living and, also see immense sadness almost daily. How could I run a 1/2 marathon or walk in the footsteps of Cesar at the Roman Forum and not know a god exists. I have seen unexplainable miracles happen to people of every religion, no one religion over the other. Traveling in of its self has benefited me spirituality. I've seen buildings and art works older than Christianity. For these reasons I believe there is only one religion that we all observe differently. Extremes a side, every religion has them. Through all our differences we are all human, the higher species. I would consider myself more spiritual than religious. Coming from a New York Italian Catholic family and being raised Christian. I focus more on my personal relationship with god than conforming to any one organized religion. I know in my heart the difference between right and wrong and what god wants for me. Sometimes like everyone I still need some guidance and the feeling of being a part of a community is a basic human need.
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Training for my first 1/2 marathon, Disney Princess 13.1
On the "oh shit I am turning 30 bucket list" right next to travel Paris was: Run and finish the Disney Princess 1/2 marathon. It took only two months to get to Paris but it took eight months of training to run the 1/2 marathon. It proved to be one of the hardest most rewarding things I have ever done. At the start of training I was only able to run three seconds at a time, before getting bored and out of breath. Did I mention I hate running?? Before taking on the 13.1 I did a ton of research. I came across a few books by Jeff Galloway an Olympic runner. These books helped me immensely, His run/walk/run method was exactly what I needed to train and finish the 1/2 marathon. I downloaded a free app and started run/walk/running my way to the finish line. As I got bored with the routine I would add more time to the run portion. In February 2014 I finished the Disney Princess 1/2 Marathon injury free. My greatest accomplishment since graduating Nursing school. The experience taught me so much about myself as well as challenged my knowledge on nutrition and chafing. Long story short... you don't know chafing until you have run a 1/2 marathon or greater... bottom line
Foxy's advice:
When running any Disney race, If at all possible submit your timing to get into a good corral. Or else you will be stuck running around thousands of walkers like me, in the back.
Staying at a Disney resort gives you free transportation at 4am to the race and at 6am for your family .I stayed at one of the cheaper ones off site.
Training advice
Follow a program that has you running every other day and building up miles slowly. I made a vision bard with the program I was following and glued inspirational pictures, words and quotes. This helped me really picture myself crossing that finish line. Non running days are Cross training days, perfect for playing sports or going to hot yoga. You are suppose to do weight training on these days but I chose to play softball, kickball and do Hot yoga. All things I regularly do anyway. Hot yoga wound up being the best cross training activity I could have done to prepare for running in the Florida heat. Most people at some point will have to do weight training to build up muscles to withstand running that distance. I started having severe lower back pain, that was alleviated by weight training of my lower back and new shoes. Speaking of shoes get evaluated by a professional at a running store. My lower back pain was largely due to wearing the wrong shoes for my gait. best $120 I ever spent. I highly recommend sports messages, Epson salt baths and a daily NSAID for soreness. At one point I had four sports messages in one week.
Best supplements
Being the nerdy nurse I am, I did lots of research on sports nutrition. The best 2 supplements I found are Accelerade sports drink (before and during) and Endurox muscle recovery (after). These supplements made a huge impact on my endurance and muscle soreness. I use them for all high impact sports days and sometimes after a really long strenuous shift at work. I also used Quench gum to keep my mouth moist and GU Gels and chews. Your sports bra is the best hiding place for your gels. For chafing I recommend Gold Bod spray powder, Body glide and good old fashioned Vaseline. Carbs the night before and protein the morning of. Think everyone knows that. My breakfast of choice is Greek yogurt, a hard boiled egg and a banana. The same breakfast I have every morning at work. Do not try anything new the morning of the race or during the race, or you will be sorry.
Friday, May 16, 2014
Contiki vs Topdeck
My next bucket list destination is the Greek Islands. One year to the day of my last trip I will be arriving in Athens, Greece (October 2014). I chose to go with Topdeck for this trip. Topdeck has a tour better suited to me for less money. The Contiki tour is either 8 or 12 days, living on a cruise ship for the island hopping portion and spends 4 days in Athens. Topdeck offers 10 days all on land between Athens and 3 Greek Islands, spending only 3 days in Athens. This tour just appealed to me more. Traveling is about experiencing culture and that seems hard to do when all your meals and nights are spent on a cruise ship.
It's important for me to emerge myself in the culture as much as possible when traveling. From the reviews I have read online it seems Topdeck is the same type of tour with one exception.... the age limit is 39 instead of 35. This is a major pro because at 31 I am always the oldest girl on the tour. Only problem was when I went to book with my travel agent he tried to talk me out of Topdeck and go with Contiki. he said "its a product you know". So beware it seems Conkiki offers better commission for travel agents. That would explain the lower price. Also its an Australian company with offices in Australia and London, so you will have to call your credit card company when booking for it to go through. Topdeck required you to have travelers insurance which cost me $96.00 and covers everything from cancelation, loss baggage, life insurance and emergency evacuation. Small price to pay for peace of mind. With topdeck you have to find your own airfare but that's fine because I always do anyway about 3 months before. With Contiki you are able to book and lock in your trip with airfare for a deposit, full payment due 30 days before the trip.
Contiki Italian Espresso Tour 2013 Review
10 months after my first Contiki Tour I was back in Europe, this time Italy. With the sir name Fontana it was especially important for me to see this awesome country. The Tour started as they all do, meet your tour in the hotel lobby followed by dinner and bonding over way to many drinks and dancing in Rome. Our flight arrived at 9am putting us at the hotel early enough to nap and shower before the 5pm meeting with the tour. This was especially cool considering the hotel check in time wasn't until 3pm. Every hotel on this tour had the smallest bathroom with smallest shower I have ever seen. Welcome to European living Foxy! Non of the public bathrooms had toilet seats and you had to pay 1 euro to use them. This is a common practice in Europe as well as a sitting fee and bread fee when having dinner. Not a big deal considering most of your dinners are with the contiki group and that's all covered. The Italian coffee is espresso and when ordering one finish it in one shot and leave to avoid the "sitting fee." More than once a few of us had lunch in the alley on the ground.
These differences are all part of the experience. The tour was mid October making it the perfect time of year, light jacket in the mornings is all you needed. The tour wound up being 80% Americans, Australians, Canadians, and South Africans (just a guess). We also had about 10 couples honeymooning. I would not recommend Contiki
for every honeymoon couple considering the hotels are not that great and you don't get a lot of free time or privacy. All of our couples were super cool so I doubt they cared. Two of the couples are now pregnant so apparently there was free
The tour guide "Christina Contiki" was #fantastico. She was so knowledgeable, and pleasant. She truly loves her job and it shows. She went out of her way to recommend and even put tickets on her personal credit card for the free time activities. When leaving one of the clubs all you had to say was " Christina Contiki" to the bouncer and he would get you a cab and even tell the driver what hotel to take you to. She went out of her way to make sure we were safe. After the cab drama in Paris on my previous trip it was reassuring and allowed me to enjoy the night.
We did everything the brochure promised and more. Christina had optional activities we could do as a group and dinners arranged for a set price. This was especially awesome for me because I prefer to stay in a group and meet people. Every night at dinner I would sit at a different table to mingle. The group dinners were good but could have been better. People who went off on their own had better food experiences, sure they also paid a lot more as well. If you are adventurous and love Italian food I recommend venturing off on your own.
The walking tours of Florence and Venice were nice but I could have done the same "walking tour" in a small group for free.
Melissa's must dos:
Roman Forum
Sistine Chapel
Vatican City
THE DAVID!!! in Florence (on free day)
Group photo in Florence
Gondola ride in Venice
Bellini in Venice preferably at Harry's bar
St Marks square Venice
Murano Glass factory Venice
Leaning tower od Pisa
My favorite city on the tour was Florence. I loved everything about this city.
Venice was my least favorite I felt it was to touristy. people who have spent more time in Venice had better experiences. I recommend staying an extra day in Venice if possible. Just to wonder around and explore the culture. This tour really only spends one good day in Venice.
When the tour ended in venice I took the free transfer back to Rome. The free transfer is the contiki bus all the way back, takes about 6 hrs. Guess the bus has to go back to Rome anyway. About 10 out of the 50 of us took the free transfer to catch our flights the next morning. This gave us an extra night to explore Rome in a smaller group. we all went to dinner and walked around the city. Contiki arranged the extra night in the same hotel for $80. I still recommend staying in Venice if possible.
The only cons are that some of the activities seemed to be more of sales pitches to get you to spend money at that particular place. Leather making demo was just an excuse to get you in the store to spend money, same as the glass blowing demo and wine tour.
Not sure if the tour guide or contiki makes commission but it sure seems so.
Europe has strict driving rules so you take stops at old towns that seem pretty pointless. Think its a chance for the driver to take a break and eat.
Sitting fees at restaurants
paying to use the public bathroom
no toilet seats anywhere
Can only fit half your American body in the hotel showers at a time
Best Pro of them all: Meeting 50 new friends from all over the world. We are all still in contact and have plans on meeting soon. As a general rule Contiki travelers are the coolest, craziest people you will ever meet.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Contiki London/Paris Review
Contiki London/Paris Winter 2013 was my first trip, so its only fitting that I would make it my first official blog entry. Like many I had always wanted to travel but was full of excuses as to why I couldn't.
A friend of mine whom is well traveled told me about Contiki Tours. Traveling with a tour that gives you a roommate solved the excuse of having no one to travel with. With my 30th birthday approaching I was running out of time to take suck a trip. Two months before the dreaded three-zero I quit my job as a staff nurse and took a position as a travel nurse. With the vacation time I had accrued at my old job I paid in full for my dream trip. My lifelong dream was to see the Eiffel tower.
First stop was London England. I had no idea how in love with this city I would fall. As an American it was so fascinating to see where our ancestors came from. That first night we all met in the hotel lobby, had dinner and took a walking tour of the local pubs. It was cold and raining. Everything you think of when you think of London weather. The tour consisted of 50 of us. 90% Australians, a few Canadians, South Africans and Americans. The group bonded right away over warm beer at the local pub. My roommate was a 21 year old Australian college student whom wound up being way more responsible than I. These types of tours have something for everyone. Yes those other reviews are true saying there is a lot of drinking and hook ups. But not everyone was into that scene and you are free to choose. My old age caught up with me so I did a little of both. While in London we went to the Roman Bath Houses, Stonehenge, Buckingham Palace, rode the London Eye and even saw a show.
Before we knew it we were on a trolley to Paris France. My fondest memory was riding in the coach with Candle in the Wind playing through the tunnel Princess Diana died. The end of the tunnel was our first glimpse of the Eiffel Tower. I was so happy and overwhelmed I cried. Next stop was right to the top of the tower of course. For 10 euro a few of us got a glass of champagne at the top and just took in the view while sipping the champagne. In the following days we saw Moulin Rogue, Caste of Versailles, Saw the Mona Lisa in the Louvre, got lost on the subway and went on a wild cab ride to the wrong hotel. On the free day the girls chose to go shopping and eat macrons while the boys went to the Catacombs.
This tour was a 10 out of 10. It surpassed everything I could have ever imagined. My only complaint is that it was to short. The tour offers a Paris or Rome extension. I recommend doing the Paris extension and leaving Rome to another trip. A year later I am still in contact daily with many people I met on this tour.
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