Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Whats in a name?
Italian American born in New York, on Christmas Day, on the one year anniversary of the unexpected passing of my maternal grandfather. I have always felt my mother missed the mark when naming me. Something festive like "Holy Noel" Or Italian like "Angelina" Instead she named me Melissa. Growing up I met very few people named Melissa, none of whom became friends. In school everyone was named Jessica or Jennifer. Melissa just doesn't scream any ethnicity like "Erin" or "Liam" would. As an adult over the past few years I have met way to many people named Melissa. Every Melissa I have met is of a different ethnicity. From different places Such as: Greece, El Salvador, Uruguay, New York, New Jersey, Texas, Spanish, Caucasian, African American, Christian and Jewish. The name originally Greek means Honey Bee. I knew the name was Greek, and may explain why I felt the affinity to visit Greece so badly. Mythology says Melissa was the daughter to the King of the Greek Island of Crete and was the nymph baby nurse to Zeus. She fed him milk mixed with honey. She was apparently turned into a bee as punishment for hiding baby Zeus from his father, whom wanted him dead. Interesting because I am a baby nurse. I now embrace my name because of its diversity. I like the fact that by my first name alone you can not tell what ethnicity I am. My name is just like me, multi cultural, well traveled and full of meaning. My name didn't chose my destiny I chose my destiny.
Monday, November 17, 2014
When it comes to family, everyone has a favorite, for me its my cousin Jason. Ten years older than me, he tormented me as a child. After graduation he went on to the NAVY and I watched him live out life on his terms. The first of our family to go to Europe, and visit Las Vegas, just to name a few of the cool things he did. With this influence I wanted to be like him when I grew up. As adults the ten years between us didn't matter anymore and we became close friends. Remaining close with our busy life's became easy because the universe kept bringing us together at unsuspected places without planning. Such as running into eachother on my lunch break at the hospital my first year as a nurse and even being at the Grand Canyon on the same day last year. He was visiting phoenix and I visiting Las Vegas. After losing my brother I now know why the universe kept bringing us together, because he would one day be the only man in my life. Last week at the age of 40 he got married and I gained a new cousin. My shrinking family is becoming whole again.
My Hero
I am lucky enough to witness the will and determination of premature babies on a daily basis,they are my heroes. With every breath they struggle to take and every swallow of milk I am reminded of just how awesome the spirit of the premature baby truly is. They never give up, complain or feel bad for themselves. I mean how could they, they are babies whom have never left the hospital. Some babies can stay in the NICU for up to 5 months, struggling to do the same things that come easy to their counterparts whom were born at term. I truly realized the struggles of these babies while training for my first half marathon. My out of shape lungs and sore muscles reminded me of what a premature baby goes through every minute of every day. Just breathing on your own with under developed lungs is like running a marathon without any training for premature babies. With our help these babies train to run the marathon of life outside of the NICU, One step at a time. Every time I am doing something strenuous I think of the determination and will power of the babies I care for, and it gets me through. When I think that I can not run one more minute because of soreness or shortness of breath, I think of them and it gets me through.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Topdeck Greek Island Hopping

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