Monday, May 19, 2014

Date a boy who travels.....

A few months ago I came across a Huff Post story titled "Date a boy who travels". I liked it so much it brought tears to my eyes. I have read the article about a dozen times now, every time it renews the feeling in my heart that my MR right is out there. This time I went on to read the comments made in response to the article. I should have not done that. Every comment was about how every boy who travels is a trust fund hippie loser. Obviously written by jealous ignorant people. Comment after comment about how only rich people could possibly travel. That has not been my experience at all, nor am I rich. Everyone I have met has been a hardworking middle class person with a dream made reality due to hard work. Everyone I have met is just like myself. We collect memories and experiences not things. How else could you live out of a bag for weeks to months at a time. I live in a one bedroom apartment, drive an old Hyundai that is paid off and work 2 jobs as a nurse. My passion for traveling the world surpasses my want for the newest gadget. I don't have cable and don't even own a computer. All my blogging is done from a 5yr old netbook.(fun fact) When you have a passion burning in your heart you find a way to make it work. Someone who dreams every night about family and kids will find a way to make that work. We just dream of traveling instead of those typical things society says we should want. Everyone in this country has access to education and makes life decisions based on what they want and deem obtainable. Travel like collage is not an immediate gratification it takes hard work and sacrifice to save the money. I save all year long for that one trip per year. A girl can have everything just not all at once.

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